Start of a new blog
Posted on zo 22 oktober 2017 in General
Inspired by the LibreCores talk of Philipp Wagner at ORConf 2017 I now decided to start a blog for the Chips4Makers project. Overall the ORConf 2017 conference was inspiring and it was nice to meet real hackers, makers and open source EDA enthousiasts.
When I was heading to the conference on a morning I saw this sign in a window:

I found it fit for the ORConf conference in general as there a lot of people who are contaminated with the open source virus and wanting to bring what has started in the software world end of last century and want to bring that also to the EDA and the silicon world. I did find it also fit for me. Since I graduated mid nineties I have been full of ideas but typically never went to implementation. With the Chips4Makers project I plan now to change that.
On this blog you can expect to find first-all more technical background on the Retro-uC pilot project and other future projects. But you will also find some rumblings from me on open source, open silicon, EDA, licensing and similar here. I do plan to also go further in some of the questions and comments I got on my two ORConf presentations (1, 2).
And for the people who have seen my ORConf presentation, it was a chock for me to discover I could not buy an Amiga magazine anymore with the left over change when I was at the airport on my way home...