Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later OR CERN-OHL-S-2.0+ OR Apache-2.0
from typing import Iterable, cast

from ..typing import MultiT, cast_MultiT
from import technology_ as _tch
from . import layout as _lay, circuit as _ckt, cell as _cell, routinggauge as _rg

__all__ = ["Library", "RoutingGaugeLibrary"]

[docs]class Library: """A Library is an object representing a collection of Cell objects. All cell in a library have be for the same technology. Arguments: name: the name of the library tech: the technology for the cells in the library """ def __init__(self, *, name: str, tech: _tch.Technology): self._name = name self._tech = tech self._cells = _cell._Cells() @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def tech(self) -> _tch.Technology: return self._tech @property def cells(self) -> _cell.CellsT: return self._cells @cells.setter def cells(self, cells: _cell.CellsT) -> None: """The setter is provided to allow adding of cells by `lib.cells += cell`. Assigning to the cells attribute is not allowed. """ if id(self._cells) != id(cells): raise AttributeError("can't set attribute") @property def sorted_cells(self) -> Iterable[_cell.Cell]: """Return sorted iterable of the hierarchical instantiated cells. The cells will be sorted such that a cell is in the list before a cell where it is instantiated. If there are cells instantiated from other libraries they will be included. """ cells = set() for cell in self.cells: if cell not in cells: for subcell in cell.subcells_sorted: if subcell not in cells: yield subcell cells.add(subcell) yield cell cells.add(cell)
[docs]class RoutingGaugeLibrary(Library): """A `Library` with an associated `RoutingGauge` API Notes: API for StdCellLibrary is not fixed. Backwards incompatible changes may still be expected. see: code likely to be moved to c4m-flexcell in the future """ def __init__(self, *, name: str, tech: _tch.Technology, routinggauge: MultiT[_rg.RoutingGauge], ): super().__init__(name=name, tech=tech) self._routinggauge = cast_MultiT(routinggauge) @property def routinggauge(self) -> Iterable[_rg.RoutingGauge]: return self._routinggauge @property def pingrid_pitch(self) -> float: return self._routinggauge[0].pingrid_pitch @property def row_height(self) -> float: return self._routinggauge[0].row_height